Hi, I am Thilo.

My home is a car. My bedroom is a rooftop tent, my kitchen is in the trunk and my office is located on the back seat of my 2011 Ford Mondeo station wagon. And guess what? This is just a test run…

Since im 18 I have a dream: Travelling once from Patagonia to Alaska in an old ’69 Volkswagen beetle. This dream is going to become true. By the end of 2018 I am going reduce my stuff even more and head over to South America to start the journey of my life. Stay tuned for my next big andventure!

Do you want to know more about my lifestyle? Want a room tour of my car? Check out this video interview by Lars with Howtube.

If you love rooftop tent camping, need information or some inspiration you should subscribe to our DACHZELTNOMADEN youtube channel

Are you looking for exchange with other likeminded rooftop tent enthusiasts? Join worlds biggest rooftop tent nomads community on Facebook:

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The 2017 ROOFTOP TENT FESTIVAL was a blast! Check this out:

See you at world’s biggest ROOFTOP TENT FESTIVAL from June 21th to 24th at Freizeitpark Mammut in Stadtoldendorf! Save your ticket here!



My home is a car. My bedroom is a rooftop tent, my kitchen is in the trunk and my office is located on the back seat of my 2011 Ford Mondeo station wagon. Since 2016 I am travelling all around Europe. But this is just the beginning...

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  • Hey Thilo:) Was ist aus deinem Käfertrip vom Feuerland geworden? Hatte gehofft hier was zu finden nach dem ich die Vorstellung bei “Herman-unterwegs” gesehen hatte 😛

    Beste Grüße, Georg

  • Hey Thilo,
    habe dich auf Vox gesehen. Ich finde es klasse was du machst. Im Einklang mit der Natur… echt toll! Bist du bald mal wieder in Hamburg unterwegs?

    Viele Grüße

    • Hey Thomas, das freut mich! Danke dir! Ja, bin immer mal wieder in Hamburg, weil ich Familie da habe 🙂


My home is a car. My bedroom is a rooftop tent, my kitchen is in the trunk and my office is located on the back seat of my 2011 Ford Mondeo station wagon. Since 2016 I am travelling all around Europe. But this is just the beginning...

Komm mit zum DACHZELT FESTIVAL 2020!

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